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API Reference

libcnb is a Python language binding of the Cloud Native Buildpacks API.

It is a non-opinionated implementation adding language constructs and convenience methods for working with the API.

Main Entrypoint

The primary entrypoint for the build and detect phases.

run(detector: Callable[[libcnb._detect.DetectContext], libcnb._detect.DetectResult], builder: Callable[[libcnb._build.BuildContext], libcnb._build.BuildResult]) -> None

Combines the invocation of both build and detect into a single entry point.

Calling run from an executable with a name matching "detect" or "builder" will result in the matching detector or builder being called respectively.


Name Type Description Default
detector Callable[[libcnb._detect.DetectContext], libcnb._detect.DetectResult]

The definition of a callback that can be invoked when the detect function is executed. Buildpack authors should implement a detector that performs the specific detect phase operations for a buildpack. It should be a callable that takes in a DetectContext and returns a DetectResult.

builder Callable[[libcnb._build.BuildContext], libcnb._build.BuildResult]

The definition of a callback that can be invoked when the build function is executed. Buildpack authors should implement a builder that performs the specific detect phase operations for a buildpack. It should be a callable that takes in a BuildContext and returns a BuildResult.


Detection API

Classes and functions related to the detect phase.

DetectContext pydantic-model

DetectContext contains the inputs to detection.


Name Type Description
application_dir Path

The location of the application source code as provided by the lifecycle.

buildpack Buildpack

Metadata about the buildpack, from buildpack.toml.

platform Platform

The contents of the platform.

stack_id str

The ID of the stack.

DetectResult pydantic-model

DetectResult contains the results of detection.


Name Type Description
passed bool

Indicates whether detection has passed.

plans List[libcnb._plan.BuildPlan]

The build plans contributed by the buildpack.

detect(detector: Callable[[libcnb._detect.DetectContext], libcnb._detect.DetectResult]) -> None

An implementation of the detect phase according to the Cloud Native Buildpacks specification.


Name Type Description Default
detector Callable[[libcnb._detect.DetectContext], libcnb._detect.DetectResult]

The definition of a callback that can be invoked when the detect function is executed. Buildpack authors should implement a detector that performs the specific detect phase operations for a buildpack. It should be a callable that takes in a DetectContext and returns a DetectResult.


Build API

Classes and functions related to the build phase.

BuildContext pydantic-model

BuildContext contains the inputs to build.


Name Type Description
application_dir Path

The location of the application source code as provided by the lifecycle.

buildpack Buildpack

Metadata about the buildpack, from buildpack.toml.

layers Layers

The layers available to the buildpack. Also exposes a convinience function get to create or load a layer in the appropriate layers directory.

store Store

The metadata that is persisted even across cache cleaning.

plan BuildpackPlan

The buildpack plan provided to the buildpack.

platform Platform

The contents of the platform.

stack_id str

The ID of the stack.

BuildResult pydantic-model

BuildResult contains the results of build phase.


Name Type Description
layers List[libcnb._layers.Layer]

The collection of LayerCreators contributed by the buildpack.

store Store

The metadata that is persisted even across cache cleaning.

launch_metadata LaunchMetadata

The metadata that will be exported to launch.toml. Allows configuring labels, processes, slices and BOM for the app image.

build_metadata BuildMetadata

The metadata that will be exported to build.toml. Allows exporting the build BOM and unmet dependencies.

to_path(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> None

Exports the build result to the filesystem.


Name Type Description Default
path Union[str, pathlib.Path]

Path to the layers directory.


build(builder: Callable[[libcnb._build.BuildContext], libcnb._build.BuildResult]) -> None

An implementation of the build phase according to the Cloud Native Buildpacks specification.


Name Type Description Default
builder Callable[[libcnb._build.BuildContext], libcnb._build.BuildResult]

The definition of a callback that can be invoked when the build function is executed. Buildpack authors should implement a builder that performs the specific detect phase operations for a buildpack. It should be a callable that takes in a BuildContext and returns a BuildResult.



Classes and functions binding the various buildpack outputs during the build phase to a Python API.

BOMEntry pydantic-model

BOMEntry contains a bill of materials entry.


Name Type Description
name str

The name of the entry.

metadata Dict[str, Any]

The optional metadata of the entry.

BuildMetadata pydantic-model

BuildMetadata represents the contents of build.toml.


Name Type Description
bom List[libcnb._output.BOMEntry]

The collection of entries for the bill of materials.

unmet List[libcnb._output.UnmetPlanEntry]

The collection of buildpack plan entries that should be passed through to subsequent providers.

__bool__(self) -> bool special

Returns true if there is any content to be written to the output toml file.

from_path(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> BuildMetadata classmethod

Creates a BuildMetadata from the TOML file at the given path.

to_path(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> None

Export LaunchMetadata to the TOML file at the given path.

Label pydantic-model

Label represents an image label.


Name Type Description
key str

The key of the label.

value str

The value of the label.

LaunchMetadata pydantic-model

LaunchMetadata represents the contents of launch.toml.


Name Type Description
labels List[libcnb._output.Label]

The collection of image labels contributed by the buildpack.

processes List[libcnb._output.Process]

The collection of process types contributed by the buildpack.

slices List[libcnb._output.Slice]

The collection of process types contributed by the buildpack.

bom List[libcnb._output.BOMEntry]

The collection of entries for the bill of materials.

__bool__(self) -> bool special

Returns true if there is any content to be written to the output toml file.

from_path(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> LaunchMetadata classmethod

Creates a LaunchMetadata from the TOML file at the given path.

to_path(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> None

Export LaunchMetadata to the TOML file at the given path.

Process pydantic-model

Process represents metadata about a type of command that can be run.


Name Type Description
type_ str

The type of the process.

command str

The command of the process.

args List[str]

The arguments to the command.

direct bool

If set to True the command is exec'd directly by the os (no profile.d scripts run).

default bool

If set to True the process type being defined should be the default process type for the app image.

Slice pydantic-model

Slice represents metadata about a slice.


Name Type Description
paths List[str]

The contents of the slice.

Store pydantic-model

Store represents the contents of store.toml.


Name Type Description
metadata Dict[str, Any]

Represents the persistent metadata.

__bool__(self) -> bool special

Returns true if there is any content to be written to the output toml file.

from_path(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> Store classmethod

Creates a Store from the TOML file at the given path.

to_path(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> None

Export Store to the TOML file at the given path.

UnmetPlanEntry pydantic-model

UnmetPlanEntry denotes an unmet buildpack plan entry.

When a buildpack returns an UnmetPlanEntry in the BuildResult, any BuildpackPlanEntry with a matching name will be provided to subsequent providers.


Name Type Description
name str

The name of the entry.


Classes and functions related to layer metadata manipulation.


Environment provides a key-value store for declaring environment variables.

append(self, name: str, value: str, delim: str) -> None

Adds a key-value pair to the environment as an appended value.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the environment variable.

value str

Value of the environment variable to append.

delim str

The delimiter to use when appending the value.

default(self, name: str, value: str) -> None

Adds a key-value pair to the environment as a default value.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the environment variable.

value str

The default value of the environment variable.

from_path(env_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> Environment classmethod

Loads the environment from the given path on disk.

override(self, name: str, value: str) -> None

Adds a key-value pair to the environment as an overridden value.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the environment variable.

value str

The overridden value of the environment variable.

prepend(self, name: str, value: str, delim: str) -> None

Adds a key-value pair to the environment as a prepended value.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the environment variable.

value str

Value of the environment variable to prepend.

delim str

The delimiter to use when preprending the value.

to_path(self, path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> None

Exports the environment to the given path on disk.


Exec represents the exec.d layer location.


Name Type Description
path Path

The path to the exec.d directory.

__init__(self, path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) special

Initializer for exec.d.

file_path(self, name: str) -> Path

Returns the fully qualified file path for a given name.

process_file_path(self, process: str, name: str) -> Path

Returns the fully qualified file path for a given process type and name.

Layer pydantic-model

Layer provides a representation of a layer managed by a buildpack.

This representation is based on the specification described in


Name Type Description
path Path

The absolute location of the layer on disk.

name str

The descriptive name of the layer.

metadata_file Path

The aboluste location of the layer content metadata file.

build bool

Indicates whether the layer is available to subsequent buildpacks during their build phase according to the specification:

launch bool

Indicates whether the layer is exported into the application image and made available during the launch phase according to the specification:

cache bool

Cache indicates whether the layer is persisted and made available to subsequent builds of the same application according to the specification: and

shared_env Environment

The set of environment variables attached to the layer and made available during both the build and launch phases according to the specification:

build_env Environment

The set of environment variables attached to the layer and made available during the build phase according to the specification:

launch_env Environment

The set of environment variables attached to the layer and made available during the launch phase according to the specification:

process_launch_envs Dict[str, libcnb._layers.Environment]

A dict of environment variables attached to the layer and made available to specified proccesses in the launch phase accoring to the specification:

metadata Dict[str, Any]

An unspecified field allowing buildpacks to communicate extra details about the layer. Examples of this type of metadata might include details about what versions of software are included in the layer such that subsequent builds can inspect that metadata and choose to reuse the layer if suitable. The Metadata field ultimately fills the metadata field of the Layer Content Metadata TOML file according to the specification:

profile Profile

The collection of values to be written into profile.d.

process_profiles Dict[str, libcnb._layers.Profile]

A dict of process types to the collection of values to be written into profile.d for specific process types.

exec_d ExecD

The exec.d executables set in the layer.

compare_metadata(self, expected_metadata: Dict[str, Any], exact: bool = False) -> bool

Utility method to compare the layer metadata on disk with the expected metadata.


Name Type Description Default
expected_metadata Dict[str, Any]

A dict containing the expected metadata.

exact bool

If set to true, the actual metadata must exactly match the expected metadata. If set to false, only the keys in expected metadata and their values are checked against the actual metadata. Any extra keys in actual metadata are ignored.

dump(self) -> None

Exports the layer metadata to disk.

load(self, load_all: bool = False) -> Layer

Loads the layer metadata from disk if it exists.

reset(self) -> Layer

Resets the layer metadata, cleans up the existing layer directory and creates an empty layer.

Layers pydantic-model

Layers represents the set of layers managed by a buildpack.


Name Type Description
path Path

The absolute location of the set of layers managed by a buildpack on disk.

get(self, name: str, load_all: bool = False) -> Layer

Create or load a layer with the given name along with its metadata.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the layer to create or load.

load_all bool

If set to True, also loads the environment and profile.d values associated with the layer.



Profile is the collection of values to be written into profile.d.

add(self, name: str, value: str) -> None

Adds a profile.d script with a given name and script content.


Name Type Description Default
name str

Name of the profile.d script.

value str

The script content.

from_path(profile_path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> Profile classmethod

Loads a collection of profile.d scripts from disk.

to_path(self, path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> None

Exports the current collection of profile.d scripts to disk.


Classes and functions related to the buildpack specific information and metadata.

Buildpack pydantic-model

Buildpack is the contents of the buildpack.toml file.


Name Type Description
api str

The api version expected by the buildpack.

info BuildpackInfo

Information about the buildpack.

path Path

The absolute path to the buildpack.

stacks List[libcnb._buildpack.BuildpackStack]

The collection of stacks supported by the buildpack.

metadata Dict[str, Any]

Arbitrary metadata attached to the buildpack.

order List[libcnb._buildpack.BuildpackOrder]

Collection of buildpack order definitions in the buildpack.

from_path(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> Buildpack classmethod

Loads the buildpack information given a path on disk.

BuildpackGroupEntry pydantic-model

BuildpackGroupEntry is a buildpack within in a buildpack order group.


Name Type Description
id str

The id of the buildpack.

version str

The version of the buildpack.

optional bool

Whether the buildpack is optional within the buildpack group.

BuildpackInfo pydantic-model

BuildpackInfo is information about the buildpack.


Name Type Description
id str

The id of the buildpack.

version str

The version of the buildpack.

name str

The name of the buildpack.

homepage str

The homepage of the buildpack.

clear_env bool

Clears user-defined environment variables when true on executions of bin/detect and bin/build.

description str

The string describing the buildpack.

keywords List[str]

A list of words that are associated with the buildpack.

licenses List[libcnb._buildpack.License]

A list of buildpack licenses.

BuildpackOrder pydantic-model

BuildpackOrder is an order definition in the buildpack.


Name Type Description
group List[libcnb._buildpack.BuildpackGroupEntry]

The collection of groups within the order.

BuildpackStack pydantic-model

BuildpackStack is a stack supported by the buildpack.


Name Type Description
id str

The id of the stack.

mixins List[str]

The collection of mixins associated with the stack.

License pydantic-model

License contains information about a Software License governing the use or redistribution of a buildpack.


Name Type Description
type_ str

The identifier for the license. It may use the SPDX 2.1 license expression, but is not limited to identifiers in the SPDX Licenses List.

uri str

A string that may be specified in lieu of or in addition to type to point to the license if this buildpack is using a nonstandard license.

Build Plans

Classes and functions binding the various plan I/O during the detect/build phase to a Python API.

BuildpackPlan pydantic-model

BuildpackPlan represents a buildpack plan input during the build process.


Name Type Description
entries List[libcnb._plan.BuildpackPlanEntry]

All the buildpack plan entries.

from_path(path: Union[pathlib.Path, str]) -> BuildpackPlan classmethod

Loads a buildpack plan from the path to a TOML file.

BuildpackPlanEntry pydantic-model

BuildpackPlanEntry represents an entry in the buildpack plan.


Name Type Description
name str

The name of the entry.

metadata Dict[str, Any]

The optional metadata of the entry.

BuildPlan pydantic-model

BuildPlan represents the provisions and requirements of a buildpack during detection.


Name Type Description
provides List[libcnb._plan.BuildPlanProvide]

The dependencies provided by the buildpack.

requires List[libcnb._plan.BuildPlanRequire]

The dependencies required by the buildpack.

BuildPlanProvide pydantic-model

BuildPlanProvide represents a dependency provided by a buildpack.


Name Type Description
name str

The name of the dependency.

BuildPlanRequire pydantic-model

BuildPlanRequire represents a dependency required by a buildpack.


Name Type Description
name str

The name of the dependency.

metadata Dict[str, Any]

The optional metadata for the dependency.


Classes and functions binding the Platform metadata.

Platform pydantic-model

Platform is the contents of the platform directory.


Name Type Description
path Path

The path to the platform directory.

env Mapping[str, str]

The environment exposed by the platform.

from_path(path: Union[str, pathlib.Path]) -> Platform classmethod

Construct a Platform object from a given path.